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Monday, June 21, 2010

Deepwater Horizon Macondo's Misfortune-

Otherwise known to me as, “The Runaway Well”


Sooo… everyone heard the latest about stopping the oilfield leak?  Last I heard... James Cameron was coming up with the solution for BP.  Are you kidding me???  That’s like saying that I’ll be on the next episode of the latest vampire series as a werewolf… or something of the sort!  Absolutely ludicrous!!!  Or is it?!?!?! This may or may not be the final clue to the puzzle.  Stay tuned.


But seriously speaking, out of common courtesy to the public the industry leaders mention taking into consideration the general publics ideas on the resolution to the disaster.  No offense folks but some of those ideas are rather humorous and show more public ignorance than any type of resolution.  For example, some suggestions I heard were to put a tension leg platform over the leak.  Good luck on anchoring the mass.  That sounds like a well thought out solution!  Not!  What about just dropping a huge boulder over the leak, have we forgotten all about buoyancy?  Now, the best one I’ve heard yet is why it isn’t a requirement yet to drill a relief well prior to any well?  That is like saying… what came first, the chicken or the egg?  To shed some light here, the Deepwater Horizon well (the rig that blew up), just as well could have been a ‘relief’ well, so to speak…that unfortunately blew up.  What’s in the name anyway?  The naming convention is part of the mission, but I don’t expect you to get that, and for those of you who did, congratulations and “your welcome”, for the laugh.


For those of you who think the leak will go on eternally… I would like to leave you with a few words of comfort.  The relief wells are the most reliable solutions to the spill.  Speaking in laymen terms… or for that matter… toys r us kid terms… let me describe it like this.  You or your kid guts a huge deformed hole in his/her waterbed and is trying to gather all the water, uncontrollably and unsuccessfully, through a single straw (hypothetically speaking, the only means at the time) at no success.  Well he invites two of his friends to help that will be using a hose to attach to the cap opening of the waterbed (where the water is filled, in a more controlled manner) in order to relieve the leak that at the moment is an unpredictable spill through an unpredictable deformity with no means of sealing around it.  Only this will take more time because the kids have to find the fittings to the cap and the proper hose, and this take a few weeks for whatever reason (use your imagination!).  Got the picture now… or did I just throw you further out on left field???  Apologies in advance for those of you with a broader mind, this might have insulted your intelligence.


The reality here is that the first principle in ‘well control’ is well… that the “Offshore Well” is under control to begin with.  Following the catastrophe… that principle no longer stood.  The most logical solution is to drill a few more “controllable” wells.  Only downside is, well… (Unfortunately) this takes time, and who want to hear that admist a catastrophic disaster, hence the circle of failed attempts and ridicule discussions!  To make matters worse the spill is creating a trickle effect of problems so the owner of the problem of course must do all in their power (which is no longer much power) to get the spillage under control.


What isn’t quite understood here is that the well owners are on track with the solution; however, unfortunately the reality of it all is, it takes time to drill/case/perforate/ and complete a well.  Approximately 3 months, optimistically (at best)! Here again… patience is a virtue that we could all use to work on adopting.  Those of you who are thinking, “hurry up and stop the spill”, perhaps should think of things in a new prospective, for in actuality that attitude is what created the “original” catastrophe in the first place!  “Isn’t it ironic… don’t you think… a little too ironic… yeah I really do think!”


I’m sure “unknowingly” all things considered… non-the-less, unknowingly; the mentality of the “solution yearn-ers” is no different than the mentality of the well owner when the disaster occurred.  My advice to all here is…patience is a virtue… which we all must adopt here and especially now at this time of desperation.  Let’s not repeat mistakes or encourage new ones, for lessons are meant to be learned!


Here’s a few rule of thumbs to live by in support of the current catastrophic circumstances:

  • Don’t insult the science of offshore drilling and producing with your so called bright ideas
  • Think before you speak... your ignorance will shine right through
  • Earth is 71% water and only 29% land… respect the Ocean, it is a huge part of Mother Nature and you know what they say about Mother Nature…
  • Leave it to the experts… if it doesn’t look like they are trying… that is how little you really know.  Leave it at that.


As for Kevin Costner’s oil/water separator invention, sounds good!  I only pray to the Lord it’s not a Hollywood stunt to appease the ignorant on the solution because they don’t have the brain capacity to soak up the reality of the problem.  Wait!  On second thought, that is rather brilliant!  What I meant to say is… I just pray to God (“Dear God, hope you read this letter and… I pray that you make it better down here”) he had a development team of engineering experts when he designed the damn thing and it truly works!



With Patience for Lessons Learned… and a brighter tomorrow,



June 17, 2010  10:52 PM cst

Isn't it ironic

how the majority of the media focuses on the size of the oil spill and the millions of dollars being lost, and yet no one mentions the souls of the lives that were lost that catastrophic evening.  Fifty-nine days later, and I have yet to see the list of names of the people whom we should be praying for and the families left behind whom we should be comforting.

All we need is LOVE... for LOVE can move mountains and mend hearts,



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