this world coming to…
you can find articles such as these on the internet news… well… I guess it is the internet but seriously, who
comes up with these?!?!?!
an article online titled “what to do now to feel better at 100”. Haahaa… hopefully the answer has something
to do with taking care of your soul because at that age you will most likely be dead and “hopefully” in a better
place… depending on the condition of your soul at the time of death of course.
How about this one!
Just read an article titled “A four year old can be sued”.
Absolutely ludicrous! If one cannot sue another, one should be immune from being sued!
That’s like forcing a child to play a game (such as chess) which they have not YET developed the skills to play
(some of us never develop that skill)! Is that a no brainer or is the one who allowed the FOUR year old
to be sued the no brainer and wasting tax-payers money?!?!? OR BOTH!
Hey come to think of it, the prosecution may have written the first article in an
attempt to lure in some business due to the slow economy. Ah ha… new marketing campaign!
You see, the the four year old was being sued for running over an elderly woman. Wait, live to be
100 for what??~ … to sue a person 1/25 of your age??? Wow, that some serious fraction!
I’d like to see the kid counter-sue the elderly woman for being in the bike path of a 4-year when she should
have been at church… or buying ben-gay.. or something to that effect.
Moments like duh… wait, what?!?!,